Monday, August 3, 2015

July 19th

Wow, this has been a great week! So last week P-day ( Preparation day: the missionaries have one day a week, usually Monday, to do everything that they need to do to prepare for the week.This includes grocery shopping, writing emails home, laundry, and some sight seeing and fun. This way they can focus all their attention to studying and teaching the rest of the week.) was a little weird... We emailed on Monday, but had P-day on Tuesday. This is because we went to the Temple! It was amazing! I really liked the artwork. It has a really interesting Korean touch to it. 

After the temple we went to a fun pizza buffet which happened to be on top of another resturant on top of a store on top of a different store. We had to ride a maze of escalators... Its how we do it in Korea! The pizza was really good. I really like this sweet potato pizza that they have here. It is really good. They also had this really good fruit salad with a fruit that is white, but it has a bunch of black seeds in it. Kinda looks like cookies and cream Ice cream in a cube. It was super good though. 

Sorry I forgot to take pictures... but they had really good Ice cream! I think I have been eating a lot of popcicles lately... they are really cheap and it is really hot. Speaking of popcicles, I tried a corn flavered one. Never Again... It was like a frozen milk bar with corn kernals inside of it... now I know why there were so many in the freezer... I also tried this really good one. It is half Chocolate covered ice cream bar covered in milk, half cookies and cream ice cream bar. Super Amazing. 

We also got our first investigators! They are a married couple that met the missionaries a few years ago and they are really interested in the church. You can just call them the Choen family (전) They are really awesome and they took us out to dinner. 

FUN FACT: if you know nothing about Korean culture, it revolves around food. (Which is probably why his whole email is practically about food. I bet he forgot to bring his journal or was ready to eat lunch so naturally he talked about food.) An appropriate way to ask how someone is doing is by asking if they have eaten😁 They got us each these big bologna things, basicaly really really tasty super thin very large hamburger. But it is seriously, amazing. Really hard to eat with chopsticks...but super fun. 

We have been walking a lot especially because WE LIVE ON THE SIDE OF THE SOUTH MOUNTAIN but that's ok, it has been a lot of fun. We also streetboarded this past week, we stand on a corner full of people and ask people to put a sticker on our board which contains questions. Then we ask them what they think the answer to the question is I.E. Where are we going after we die? Then we can start teaching, it is pretty awesome. Afterwards we ate at this place that is better than McDonalds, but not super amazing. They had this european burger that was really good though. It was a regular burger with all the works (except ketchup) but it had an extra cheese pattie. Seriously it was a fried slice of strange cheese, really good. And because one cheap ice cream cone is not enough, I had three.😊 Can't think of anything else, but I maybe getting jelly beans today... a lot of jelly beans. we will see

Lots of love from Korea,
Elder Brown

Oh! we have an American 식사 tonight! I am so looking forward to this! 
식사 = Dinner appointment

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