Sunday, July 19, 2015

Finding Joy in All Things

So another week, not enough time to describe everything that happened.

So this past week we received a call from a Sri Lankan man. There seem to be more foreigners or 외극인's interested in the gospel than Koreans. But that is ok. Anyways, he is a member who needed some help and knew that missionaries can help people. He is really interesting and super cool. He is in a rock band and he is also 54. He had some pretty cool pictures of him in the 80's. After we helped him with what we could, we said good bye. It was a weird experience, but he is super cool. 

This week, I met three Canadians too. One of them is a translator. I think he has a really cool job because he gets to travel the world. Then I also bumped into a Canadian couple here on vacation. They are really awesome. 

Also, I started playing a game while we are out street contacting. So, the streets are always full of police officers here in Seoul. Every time I pass one I say hello. But the funny thing is no one every says hello to the police officers so they look at me funny if I have never said it before to them. The cool part though is their response when I have spoken to them before. Sometimes, a police officer will even greet me before I can greet him. Kind of a lame game, but it makes me smile and it makes them smile too. 

We also had a crazy lesson this week. The person was 20 minutes late, but we talked with him as we walked to the church from the train station. We then gave him a tour of the church and then we tried to teach him a lesson. He was really interested, but he told us right off the bat that he didn't believe in feelings from the Holy Ghost. It was a really hard lesson, but it went ok. 

We also had exchanges this past week. Our district leader, Elder Mac, has two companions. I went with them and it is really interesting how they go about helping others come unto Christ, but I really learned a lot. I feel like I have been doing a lot of that. We also stopped and got Ice cream because it was super hot and humid (more so than in Missouri). That same day, we taught English and the Assistants to the President had a baptism. I think we ended up spending the whole day at the Church. 

So after English class, when we were setting up for the baptism, we noticed there were a lot of mosquitoes. Turns out someone had left the windows open in the women's bathroom. After closed the window, we looked out side and saw this massive ball of mosquitoes. It was gross. 30 minutes before the baptism, we (the missionaries) were told we were doing a musical number. In Korea, the do things a little differently... after we finished the musical number (singing during the baptismal service) the congregation started clapping for us. It was a little different. But the baptismal service went well. That's pretty much it for the Week... oh monsoon season is about to go into full swing, don't worry about me, with all your prayers, I probably wont get too wet :)

Elder Brown

Fun Fact: Our church building (the one to which I am assigned) has 3 floors and a basement, all owned by the church. The church was built in like 1983 and it has not been remodled since the constuction... I think. But the roof belongs to the city of Seoul. There is a really nice city park on the roof. I found this out this week.

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